General discussions : Product reviews : From k700i > Samsung e720 = I'm really Happy!!! = Now with sample quality pics and video from phone!
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> From k700i > Samsung e720 = I'm really Happy!!! = Now with sample quality pics and video from phone!
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I bought an E720 a week ago and I must say that I really do like it (I also own an S700, K750 and just bought a W800 off JiggyJaggy). For a 1mp camera the pics are really good and the phone has a very solid feel. I've also owned a D500 from December 04 to May 05 and I would say that the E720's pics are much brighter and clearer than the D500.
The only complaint I have is that the earpiece speaker distorts when the volume is up full. I have to lower the volume when I'm on a call so I can understand what the person is saying.
For the price I bought it for I think its a good 'back up' phone although I've used it all week instead of my other phones.
I bought it sim free from The Link in the Medowhall shopping centre, Sheffield, UK for £161 so I think it was a bargin
Posted: 2005-08-14 03:26:21
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