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bart Posts: > 500

what good is a 7MP phone thats the size of a brick?

the SE K750/W800/W810/W900 are the best cam phones on the market
and the upcomming K790/800 will even be better.
that samsung takes bigger pics and has a real zoom, but what good is that?
if you want a 7MP cam, then get a real one.

most people are happy enough with 5MP. the only people who needed more MP are people who use their cam for work. and they won't be a buying a crappy samsung.

anyway lets stay on topic guys
Posted: 2006-03-05 17:22:23
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Nokialoverx Posts: 122

Look at samsungs range of digital cams mate.Arent they expensive and good? Anyways i love ericsson for their innovation This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2006-03-05 17:27:50
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bart Posts: > 500

if samsung cams are so good, then why doesn't anyone of the best and most know photographers use them?
sony, nikon, minolta, those are the big players
Posted: 2006-03-05 17:29:23
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Nokialoverx Posts: 122

Thats ok but u must admit that samsung has the tech to produce quality images.Suppose them and nokia should merge? Then it would be nokia's gain This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2006-03-05 17:33:08
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ambyzown Posts: 231

Nokia and Samsung?
No chance of those two merging. They are both too independent to want to pool resources. Moreover, they both control a large portion of the mobile phone market and must be happy with their individual achievements.
Posted: 2006-03-05 22:22:17
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S4k1s Posts: > 500

On 2006-03-05 17:10:40, Nokialoverx wrote:
I love s60 so much for reasons i am not sure of.Nokia has popularity and their features are good.Mate i think samsung makes the best phones when it comes to imaging.Look at their 7mp phone

This message was posted from a Nokia

Have you used any samsung imaging phone?
Posted: 2006-03-06 00:26:13
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Nokialoverx Posts: 122

Yes have used p107 i believe This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2006-03-06 04:31:11
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Coxy Posts: > 500

Check this out guys, it made me laugh!
The first paragraph of the first page in the latest issue of "Stuff" magazine. It is talking about a BenQ-Siemens phone but the first paragrapgh is related to .

Posted: 2006-03-06 17:23:09
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benrk Posts: 31

This isn't the first time one can read stupid crap like that, lots of not very well informed "Journalists" wrote similar articles directly when the merger happened.

I'd actually love to see real /// again, the phones definitly were better quality & spec's & design were kind'a more "pure".
The /// people seemed to be like "tech-idiots/freaks" producing a very unique & high quality product with little respect towards market demands, IMO the merge with Sony was the best thing to happen to keep /// phones around somehow & quitting it seems to be very stupid.

I don't give much on this rumor, it was around from day1 of the joint-venture...

I'd still love to see some remake of old /// models though, a T39 w/ push button flip of T28 & colour screen would be great!
Posted: 2006-03-07 19:38:18
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awave Posts: > 500

i heard rumours about the ericsson t68i having a mobile tv in it in them days - 'too advance for its day' was what stopped ericsson - damn nuisance - because then we wouldn't have all this crap about the 'cybershot' etc. - i actually hate sony - except its kind of a 'good' name on a phone now - but i have to admit - when i started using my blue and white t20e again and taking it to school - there was a girl that seriously wanted to swap her phone for it - but then once she saw the tiny display (and b/w), no camera (oh no!!!)...other than that - if it was updated inside the same shell - i think it would sell like a boom!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway - lets hope they don't split - because there's a rumour that the phones for this christmas will play ps2/3 games on them

Posted: 2006-03-07 19:51:46
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